How much is a 2016-built megaship worth?
The world is about to find out as the World Dream is heading to auction via the Singapore Sheriff following the demise of Genting Cruise Lines earlier this year. The 3,500-guest Dream Cruises ship will be sold via sealed bids due by 3:00 p.m. Singapore time on Dec. 21, 2022.
The ship is currently in a state of warm lay up and remains in Asia near Singapore.A surveyor’s report is available for interested bidders here.
The ship is said to come with approx. $1.2 million in fuel, and all bids need to include a deposit of $50,000. The surveyor’s report said the vessel is in sound serviceable condition.
As for the rest of the Dream Cruises fleet. The Genting Dream remains in service for Resorts World Cruises on a charter deal, while the Explorer Dream also remains out of service and in the hands of creditors.
Source – Cruise Industry News